Age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 taken throne
Age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 taken throne

age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 taken throne age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 taken throne

Each player starts a session with one card and gets another if they show up on time and ready to play. Cards can be awarded to players for exceptional roleplaying or otherwise creating an awesome moment. These are more for the narrative elements on the card as the mechanical elements are not exactly suited for second edition. I use Plot Twist cards from first edition as Hero Points. There are many house rules in my game, two of which are important to the first session:ġ. Having grown up in the wild raised by a bird, he does not relate well to people but has a crow companion for company. Jack Daw: male human druid of the Green Faith from the River Kingdoms, bastard son of the Stag Lord, raised by a giant talking Raven that may have been a permanently wildshaped druid, currently following up on rumors of a sibling he’s never met being in Breachill. Tendulkar: male halfling bard, escaped slave from a farm in Isger, dedicated to freeing his kin from shackles. Sold to the Consortium by her parents at a young age to pay off a debt, all she has of them is a medallion of her father’s: a medallion bearing the sunburst of the Order of the Nail. Oan Wescran (an alias): male human fighter, a minor son of a minor noble family of Cheliax, in hiding from his family and the Chelaxian navy after being involved in the recent events in Kintargo, currently in hiding as a Breachill town guard.Ĭhiana Zataal: female elven rogue, former agent of the Aspis Consortium, on the run from Bloodcove after a failed sabotage mission involving her loveless marriage to an influential member of the East Mwangi Mining Company. We play every two weeks so my updates here will be reflected accordingly. I ran my first session of second edition this past weekend, and in this thread I will chronicle my experiences in case it is of help to fellow GMs.

Age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 age of wonders 3 elven campaign mission 6 taken throne