Google translate myanmar to japan
Google translate myanmar to japan

google translate myanmar to japan

This formula returns a result of "How are you?" in English in cell C5. Google will detect the language of the text in cell C5 (Icelandic) and translates it to the system language of the user's computer, which, in this example, happens to be English. We can just leave from_language and to_language blank. In the fourth and final example we see more fun text in cell A5, but again, we don't know what language this is. This formula detects the language is Afrikaans (we could use the DETECTLANGUAGE function if we need to know which language this is) and returns a result of "Translating is fun" in English in cell C4. We can supply "auto" as the second argument, so that Google will detect the language on its own. In the third example, we see some text in cell A4, but we're not sure what language this is. This formula returns a result of "This is Japanese!" in English. In the second example we see that the text in cell A3 is written in Japanese and we want to translate it to English.

google translate myanmar to japan

This formula returns a result of "Hello!" in English. We use A2 as the first argument, "es" (the language code for Spanish) for the second argument, and "en" (the language code for English) as the third argument. In the first example, we see that the text in cell A2 is written in Spanish, but we want to translate it to English. Here are some examples of the GOOGLETRANSLATE function in action. Examples with the GOOGLETRANSLATE Function in Google Sheets

Google translate myanmar to japan